Secretly Track Your Spouse With GPS: Data Loggers

Have you ever thought about secretly tracking your spouse’s movements? Has he or she been spending more and more time away from you with almost no explanation at all? If you are secretly being cheated on then you have a right to know. In my mind, you even have a right to secretly track your spouse with GPS. After all, they did promise to be faithful.

There are two main options for the person seeking to track their significant other. The first is a real time GPS tracking device. These devices are able to give you their position in real time and will not only let you know where they have been but also will allow you to follow them around in real time (hence the name). The second option is a data logger. These often have more battery life than the real time trackers, allowing the person tracking to collect massive amounts of data to process and analyze so that they can see exactly where the person has been. Through analyzing this information the person can find discrepancies or patterns in the behavior to see where the person is cheating.

I recently got my hands on a passive GPS tracking device called the iGot-U GT-600. It is a personal tracking device designed to log travel data for the international traveler or to analyze outdoor exercise activity. I figured it would be interesting to see if this device could also double as a covert GPS tracking device. Here are the results:

Preliminary Spouse GPS Tracking Test

Spouse GPS Tracking Test Run

Before I spent hours upon hours tracking my wife with the i-Gotu GPS data logger I figured I should give it a test drive to see how it would work. The picture found above represents my first attempt at tracking my wife’s car. I was in the car with her, so this really represents exactly what we did. We stopped by her friends house to pick up some tools and then drove around the neighborhood until the little one fell asleep.

According to the GPS tracker we were out for 00:24:11 and traveled a little less than 6 miles. The device also told me that we were actually only moving for 00:17:02. All this was captured in a little less than 400 distinct data points.

All this data is pretty interesting and useful for those looking to tracking a husband, a wife, a boyfriend, or a girlfriend. The first point of data – the amount of time traveled, is useful to know because it should correspond with the amount of time that you put the tracker in the car.

Total distance traveled is also valuable because it gives you an idea of all the different place that they could have gone. Just how far away is Target? Or their favorite hunting spot? When this is combined with the total trip time you get an idea of how fast they drive and how they are handling your car. I would want to know that data if it were my wife cheating on me.

The final bit of info that is really interesting is the total time moving. In this quick trip the differencet between our total travel time and the total movement time was only around 7 minutes. If I were to be tracking a husband or girlfriend and there was a trip where the total time moving was significantly different from the total travel time I would begin to get a little concerned. This is especially true if they spend most of the time sitting at an unknown location!

With all this data in hand I devised a plan that would simulate a more prolonged spouse tracking strategy. I would sneak into my wife’s car late at night and place the GPS tracking device in her glove compartment. I would occasionally check on the tracker every week to see if the tracker still had battery power or not. After the device lost its charge, I would grab the tracker and find out what I could about the habits of my wife (who is not cheating on me, by the way).

Here is what I found out by secretly tracking my spouse with GPS.

Extensive Spouse GPS Tracking Test

Spouse GPS Tracking Day 1

Battery Life

One of the first things that I wanted to do on this test is to check and see how long the battery would last on the GPS tracking device. Before starting out, I thought I might get a week’s worth of tracking before the battery would die out – boy was I surprised. I was able to track my wife’s car from November 9th all the way through December 6th. The battery lasted 28 days, which is very impressive.

Long battery life is definitely one of the benefits of using a data logger to secretly track your husband or wife. Most real time tracking devices can last a week at best since they are doing so much to provide all that data in real time. One of the benefits of the i-Gotu is that it goes into a battery save mode when it is not moving for an extended period of time.

Analyzing Data

With 28 days of tracking it was a pain to wade through all the data and try and figure out what happened each day, but if you are trying to find out if your lover is cheating and need GPS to help you figure it out then you will be motivated to go through it all. Since my wife isn’t cheating I had no motivation to go through it all and figure it out.

Thank goodness that the i-GotU software makes it easier to figure out what the data means. When using the Sport Tracker mode for their software you get a nice little calendar that lets you see what days had trips. Simply click on the day and you get some detailed information for that specific trip. This data includes a map of their trip that uses Google Maps, their max speed, the duration of their trip, as well as the actual time spent traveling. This is key if they make a quick trip to a friends house and stay their for hours.

In this micro view the mass of data makes sense. The only problem is that you will have to wade through all the days if you let the tracker run out of battery before retrieving it. What I would recommend for those seeking to track a wife or husband to see if they are cheating is to let the tracker run for a week at a time. This will give you smaller chunks of data to digest at any given point in time. The only problem with this is that you might get caught moving the device in and out so only try it if you can reasonably get away with it.


I have to be honest, the i-Got U exceeded my expectations. For a device that is not even built to be a covert GPS tracking device this unit blew me out of the water – and with a price tag under $100 you will be hard pressed to find a tracker that is going to beat the price. Similar products run several hundred dollars more than the i-Got U and do the same thing.


You should definitely consider this tracking device if you want to secretly track your spouse with GPS. It is a multipurpose GPS tracking device that is relatively easy on the pocket book (when compared to some of the alternatives). While it is terrible to have to be in a position where tracking your spouse is an option that you have to consider, getting a data logger like the i-Got U is definitely a choice that you should consider taking if all your other efforts to get at the truth have been unsuccessful. You have a right to know what is going on with the “flesh of your flesh” and the one that made a promise to you to be faithful.

Here is ouriGotU GPS Tracking Data Logger Review if you want to find out more information about this solid personal GPS tracking device.

Who’s To Blame For Spouse GPS Tracking?

I got a very interesting comment that I assumed was in relation to my post on Tracking Your Spouse With GPS. I’ll quote most of it below, but the general gist of the comment was that if a husband is cheating on a wife then it is the wife’s fault for being fat, ugly, stupid, withholding sex, etc. I think that this is the most absurd comment that I think I have ever heard in my life – so it almost doesn’t even warrant a response. But just in case someone comes along and is convinced by some of the arguments because there is no rebuttal I have decided to write this post. It will also allow me to make a few comments on the topic of who is to blame for GPS tracking a spouse and what can be done once the cheating has been discovered.

Here is the comment:

MMM. . . which is the greater betrayal, banging some broad on the side, or surreptitiously sneaking a high tech digital tracking device on your spouse, without his knowledge.

One thing, as a husband who cheated on his wife and is now on his second marriage (with whom he was cheating, and who herself was cheating on her hubby), I can tell you what the problem is.

YOU. For you it is easier to get a gadget, catch him in “ultimate betrayal” and make it all his fault and turn him into your puppy, than it is to work on the real problem. Are you fat, uninteresting, do you nag, did you give up that whole “makeup” thing years ago for a comfy flannel nightshirt and sweat pants. More interested in the latest gossip from your neighbor than hitting the gym, and wearing something sexy with candles and a surprise dinner when hubby gets home? Did you stop doing that “other” stuff, except on birthdays.

Of course, he could have turned into a complete slob that you are no longer interested in. . . but then, ask yourself, if he is so disgusting you don’t want to do him, why do you care if he is doing someone else?

Skip the gizmo, go to marriage counseling.

The first part of his argument is to throw into doubt whehter it is actually more evil to commit adultery or to track your spouse without their knowledge.  He really doesn’t offer any arguments for why this is so, he just makes a naked assertion of the fact by posing it as a question.  Because of this, his point makes absolutely no sense to me and leaves me answering him like this, “The greater betrayal is banging someone on the side! Why don’t you see that?”

Then he begins his next paragraph with this wonderful gem:

One thing, as a husband who cheated on his wife and is now on his second marriage (with whom he was cheating, and who herself was cheating on her hubby), I can tell you what the problem is.

The person who wrote this comment is himself a cheater.  As a cheater, he is trying to establish himself as an authority on why a person might cheat on a spouse.  Because he cheated he must know the psychology of a cheater and must be qualified to tell us all the “real truth” about why a spouse might cheat and why it is a “greater betrayal” to track a cheating spouse.

However, all that his admission does for me is diminish his credibility.  He has admitted that he cannot be trusted.  He is a man who makes promises and breaks them when it becomes convenient for him.  This fact is extremely important it ought to inform how we should see everything else that he has to say.

The very next thing that he says is that the reason spouses cheat is because the other spouse is the problem.  Really? You broke your promise to somebody and then you say that they are the reason why you broke YOUR promise? I doesn’t work that way. The only person who can break a promise that they made is the person who made the promise.

What is going on is that he is trying to make his moral, intellectual, and emotional failure all about his spouse.  He calls her fat, uninteresting, a nag, frumpy, a gossip, and a prude.  Is that really true? Probably not.

Then he tries to show some compassion for the wife whose husband has cheated.  He suggests that maybe the reason that she is being such a prude and denying her husband her body is that he has turned into a “slob.”  But then he seems to think that since you don’t want to be intimate with him that this somehow give him the right to be intimate with some other woman!  After all, why would you care that a person who promised that they would be faithful to you is being unfaithful to you.  That really doesn’t matter does it? 

The commentor seems to think that breaking the marriage promise is no big deal – that marriage is something that is worthless and without deep meaning.  But that is exactly the type of thinking that I would expect from someone who has cheated and is without remorse. Marriage to such a person means nothing. They have proven it by their actions. 

He doesn’t seem to understand what marriage is and why people make vows to each other during the marriage ceremony.  A promise is a promise, and when you break those promises you have to take it seriously.

He then actually gives some good advice in the very last sentence of his comment.  Going to marriage counseling is a very important thing for a couple to do if they want to salvage a relationship after one spouse is caught cheating on the other.  Cheating is always a signal that a relationship has some sort of sickness within it, and finding out what that sickness is and working on its cure is of the utmost importance when you want to save the marriage.

But the sad thing is, most cheaters will not admit a need for marriage counseling until they are caught in their cheating.  And a spouse often cannot catch their spouse cheating without some type of GPS tracking.  When it comes to tracking your spouse there are really two different options available to wives and husbands who suspect that their spouse is being unfaithful.  The first is to track their cell phone.  A lot of the newer cell phones have the capability to be tracked by GPS if the proper software is installed on the device.  There is plenty of free GPS tracking software out there, but not all of it is compatible with every type of phone out on the market.  Also, a problem with a free tracking method is that they are generally not very covert – making it rather difficult to use it to catch your spouse in the act of cheating.

Another option is to track your spouse’s car with GPS.  GPS tracking for cars is a very popular application of GPS technology and has been used extensively by businesses to improve fleet performance and increase revenues. As a result of this usefulness, GPS manufacturers have tried to make these devices as cheap and accessible as possible to a wide range of businesses. A nice side effect of this effort is that it has made these devices available on the consumer market. While car tracking is a very effective means of tracking a cheating spouse, it is far from perfect. While the movement of a car does tell you a lot about a person’s activity, it is not the same as a cell phone which is often taken everywhere a person might go. However, what car tracking gives up in ubiquity it gains back in covert tracking capabilities.

Most car tracking GPS devices are extremely covert and can fit securely inside a wheel well or under the rear bumper. Unless your spouse has a habit of looking in these places there is often very little chance that they are going to find out that you are tracking their movements via GPS.

Whichever method of spouse GPS tracking you might decide to use, it is my opinion that you are well within your rights to track your spouse in this way. Some people might disagree with me, and it might be illegal in some states for spouses to track each other without their express consent, but that is my opinion. And the cheater bears full responsibility for their own cheating, they are to blame for their own promise breaking. They are the liar and are fully responsible for their own actions.

Facebook Cell Phone Tracking Ad: Is This For Real?

The other day I was watching my wife play some Farmville on Facebook when I noticed this very strange ad in the left sidebar. From what I could tell by looking at it, it appeared to be a GPS cell phone tracking service. The text of the ad read, “Do you think your husband is cheating? Find out instantly where he is right now LIVE.” Doesn’t it seem like this is going to offer someone the ability to track their spouse with some sort of GPS tracking device?

Facebook GPS Cell Phone Tracking Ad

Well, I should probably come out with it right away. This is not a genuine GPS tracking service. It is a scam that is only going to end up costing you money in the long run and violating your privacy.  This Facebook cell phone tracking ad is designed to get careless people to opt in to receive text messages to their cell phone that will end up costing them money.

This is the way the deal works.  You click on the ad in Facebook and you are taken to a webpage that looks something like this:

Mobile Spy Cell Phone Tracking Landing Page

Pretty snazzy, right?  Looks legit, right?   Well, it isn’t.  A closer at the fine print at the bottom of the page will tell you exactly what you are going to be getting.  Here is a copy of what the website says:

*Service Explanation: By enrolling in’s service, you will receive three pieces of content. First, you will receive a report of the three most recent phone numbers to have searched for your location with our service. Second, you will be able to search three phone numbers by area code and prefix (NPA-NXX) to see their registered geographic area. Due to the nature of mobile phones and privacy laws, we will be unable to provide real-time location information. However, you will receive the most up-to-date information regarding NPA-NXX registration. Third, you will be enrolled in a periodical fun facts subscription on your cell phone. You must have cookies enabled for this service to operate properly. Remember, the numbers you search for with our service will be recorded and may be disclosed in someone else’s report!

For those that don’t want to read the big block of info you here are the three things that you get by handing over information about yourself and your cell phone:

  1. You will get access to three numbers that have searched for your number.  I’m not exactly sure what happens if no one has bothered to search for your number yet, but I suspect that nothing happens.  You are out of luck.
  2. You will also get to search for three numbers to find out “their registered geographic area.”  This, I assume, is code for saying that if the number you searched for is in their data base then they will tell you in what geographic the phone was registered.  But be careful, “due to the nature of mobile phones and privacy laws, [they] will be unable to provide real-time location information.”
  3. You get a lame “fun facts subscription” that will text “fun facts” to your cell phone for 6 dollars a month.  Now that is really lame.

If you are still confused about how this service works exactly, let me try and explain it a little better.  Since this ad was targeted to wives tracking their husbands I am going to use that throughout our example.  A wife is on Facebook – since everyone and there mother is on that thing – and she comes across this cell phone tracking ad while commenting on photos of her elementary school friends.  She is a little intrigued by the promise find out instantly where her husband is right now LIVE and clicks on the ad.

Step 1

She then goes to the website and fills out her information including her location and her phone number.  This information is then stored by the website in some database for them to use later.  After she submits her number, she gets information on all the people in the websites database that had searched her number in the past.  Since she has a relatively new number nobody shows up.  She feels good that she doesn’t have any crazy stalkers out there.

Step 2

She is then prompted by the website to ask about three numbers she is interested in knowing the location of.  She obviously enters her husbands number since that is what the ad is promising – being able to track her husband’s cell phone live – and she also enters in two of her best friends’ numbers just for fun.  The website then searches its database to see if it has information on any of the numbers that she searched.  It doesn’t, but it keeps track of her number and all the numbers that she searched.

Step 3

Sometime later she gets some stupid text from a strange number saying something like, “Penguins are really birds that cannot fly.  Isn’t that crazy?!?”  When she gets her cell phone bill at the end of the month she sees this strange charge for $5.95 and wonders where the heck it came from.

Step 4

This is where this service gets really terrible.  Let’s now assume that her husband sees a similar add on Facebook about tracking his wife’s cell phone.  He clicks through and fills out the stuff.  He puts in his number from step 1 and gets his wife’s number in the results.  How did this happen?  The website remembered his wife’s search so that it could use that information for future searches.  Now the husband know that his wife has been searching for him so he turns around and does a search for her.  He gets some information that he already knew about her location, like a zip code or something, and that is that.  He gets the same stupid text a little bit later and the $5.95 fee for this “service.”

A word from the wise, do not fall for this Facebook cell phone tracking ad!  It does not deliver what it promises and is not a GPS tracking service.  Instead, it is a scam designed to cost you $6 a month for the rest of your life you can’t figure out how to cancel this crappy thing.  Don’t waste your time, your privacy, or your money on this crap.